Friday 11 November 2016
2nd Larissa Developers MeetupThe program contains:
1. Intro to Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services is the Big Player on the Cloud Computing / IaaS market. As they and their product portfolio is rapidly growing, the mere list of new features might be overwhelming. In order to get you easily started, the talk will give you a brief overview of the most popular AWS services, as well as how to use them in a decent way (cost-effective, highly available, secure). Main focus will be around EC2, S3, RDS.
Florian Schaeffler
Head of IT Infrastructure at HiKey AWS Enthusiast, Software Lover, Process Coach 2. Intro to Node.js
What is Node.js? Why is it so popular? Why is it so fast? What is the asyncronous programming? Speaker:
Thanasis Polychronakis Thanasis is a seasoned Node.js developer, he has lead multiple developer teams in the startups he has worked in. Built applications using React, Angular and Electron he can speak frontend as well as backend. Thanasis is also the founder of SKGTech, the Technological Community of Thessaloniki ( ( and is a co-organizer of the biggest Web Developer Conference in Greece, DEVit (
Linto Organisation/ Level B
Friday November 11, 2016
Time: 19:00
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